Discovering Hidden Treasures: A Basic Guide to Finding Local Adventures

February 29, 2024 RBleattler 0

Think about the last time you felt a sense of adventure. Chances are, your mind wanders to distant lands or experiences that seem worlds away from the comfort of home. Yet, what if I told you that unforgettable experiences could be found not in the far reaches of the globe, but in your own backyard? The concept of local adventures redefines the quest for excitement, proving that you don’t need to cross oceans for extraordinary experiences

Born to be Barefoot

August 28, 2023 RBleattler 0

I was not born with shoes upon my feet, and I wandered shoeless throughout childhood. When I stepped into adulthood, the shoe became a requirement. Shoes and shirts required to enter. Why?

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No one ever told me

July 18, 2023 RBleattler 0

No one ever told me that the world would hurt so much, that it would fill me so hard that I thought I was going to die! No one ever told me how overwhelming it could be, and that there were amplifiers that multiplied the pain beyond comprehension. The Hatred and the fear are overwhelming and it  comes so fast I cannot dispel it fast enough to deal with my own. I can feel it ALL!