Just for a minute, I forgot who I was.

March 16, 2023 RBleattler 0

It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of who you are, especially in today’s fast-paced and stressful world. Taking time for self-reflection and connecting with your values, beliefs, and passions can help you rediscover and reaffirm your identity

The Shedding

March 9, 2023 RBleattler 0

In an ongoing effort to lead a SIMPLER life, the shedding has begun. The shedding of possessions. The shedding of dependence. The shedding of uncertainty! The shedding of negativity and inconsistency. As I walk through and see all of the things I have accumulated over a lifetime, I am overwhelmed. The trinkets and the doo dads, and the Knick knacks and the novelties all the things that make up a life.

Telling it like it is….

February 24, 2023 RBleattler 0

Living without a filter, one tends to Tell it like it is, this isn’t always the best policy amongst friends and relatives. The way it is, may be the way it is, but the way we handle it is not. I am one of the cursed filterless, if it happens in my head it tends to fall out my mouth before I have time to process that maybe what is in my head does not need to be shared with the present company

The Fantasy of Retirement

February 17, 2023 RBleattler 0

Retirement is one fantasy I have never entertained. While the idea is pretty spectacular in and of itself, the truth is far from the fantasy. I am nearing what would be that age, and the idea of Retiring is terrifying, even with well-planned finances the average American will not have enough to spend their golden years rolling about the country in an RV carefree

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Why you need a HAM/CB/GMRS/Shortwave radio.

February 7, 2023 RBleattler 0

Ham radio, also known as amateur radio, is a hobby that involves communicating with other ham radio operators around the world. Ham radio is often used for emergency communications, as it provides a means of communication when other forms of communication, such as cell phones and the internet, are unavailable.