It’s the Time of the Season

Spring has arrived and the season for outdoor activities is ramping up. The camping gear is being checked and cleaned up and the vehicle is getting geared up for outdoorness!

It has been awhile since I have sat down and authored a post. But with winter taking a final swipe at the northeastern US, I am indoors today and figured it may be a good time to sit and let my mind wander where it will, like it often does when I write. Many things in life have changed since last I have annoyed anyone with my ramblings, but here I go again rambling on.

As I sit here in my Office/Radio room/Control center watching the cold outside and listening to a radio contest on the shortwave radio, I am thankful. I am thankful that I woke up this morning, that I have a roof over my head and I have food in my stomach. Somewhere halfway around around the world some of my radio friends are not having it so good, and yet when I speak to them, they are thankful for the very little they currently have. Makes me wonder, how much do I really NEED.

I looked around me and realized I COULD live without many of the comforts I have become accustomed to. I also realized how much clutter I have accumulated that I really have no need for. I in no way wish to go full minimalist, I enjoy my toys. I do however think a true full spring cleaning is in order for my home, my mind and my soul!

The first thing I did in an attempt to clear the mind clutter and relax the soul, I accepted an offer for a new position which keeps me off the road for the most part. My operational costs as a human being have dropped by 45% since accepting this position, and no stress about slow work seasons. After being away for close to 4 months on the last assignment, this is a welcome change.

The second hurdle is a bit larger and a bit more time consuming. I am a collector, I collect things. Nothing in particular, just stuff that I find cool or interesting. Seeing how as I am not married, my home is one big man cave. So I am in the middle of downsizing my collection of things. Man do I have a lot of ‘THINGS”! So be on the lookout, I probably have a thing that you need for decorating scheme!

The final piece of the peace puzzle for me is that first long hike of the season. So far the weekends have not cooperated, but next Saturday will be the first short long hike. Has to be reasonable the grandson will be along for the Adventure! Then the following weekend I am planning a 15 mile all day excursion. If you are interested in joining me visit the Adventure page on FB for more information.


Thanks for tuning in and reading my ramblings… see you on the Trail or on the Waves

2WR0426 Programmer

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