Mom 60th

It has been six years since by the train I was delayed, a train I would have missed had I gone another way. As I sat there in the traffic, you passed away alone and I could feel it hit me like a 10 thousand ton stone. I arrived to the news that I knew was there, but it was still something I could not bare. Six years since you left us for a second time, just 2 years prior you had seemed just fine. This thing inside, for my whole life, I had so feared, it had arrived, I fell to the floor, much like my tears, life is just not the same without you here. When I sat down here I had so much to say, so much emotion I needed to convey. Now the block is here and the words won’t flow, yet the tears still fall and;here I go. A brand new tune just hit my ear, and it made me sad that you were not here. Did I say all the things, did I make you proud? did I say I love you, enough, to you out loud?

These are the things always in my mind, they do not fade nor the pain with the passing of time. A smell, a song sometimes noting at all
hits so hard sometimes to the floor I wish I could fall. Why is it I was not there? why the train that day, seemed unfair.
As I now work to mend a bridge almost burned, so that when I leave other will not be churned
I tell you now in a voice so loud my Son and I am so proud
you never have to wonder if I knew I did as I am sure you know I love you

I miss you both so far away

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