Written on a cold winters night in 1982


Puncture wounds eradicate the seriousness of the mind

cosmic subtle abbreviations of ecstasy in time

fretless brainwave communication ends subordinate life

waving aside clouds of suspicion colored by rainbows of strife

christened in an antient proverbial tongue

lewd and lascivious formations of mist, where father had been hung

Sudden screams of exasperation, specters twirl about your head

 the bottom falls out of your mind, ghostly, children, no longer dead

Tangled branches grab for the depths of your demented mind

codes maze of brainwaves moving left through time

Blood curdling screams of the unhuman kind

come in times of sensuality to cut you like a knife

inverse darkness creeps upon you and life, you seek

engulfing you in the middle of the day you cannot speak

corner rounded alleys and strangely twisted gates

turbulent misdemeanors do not instigate

insubordinate illusions of days that have not been

a psychedelic world never to be seen

upside out and inside down

invocative ecstasy never found  

the dogs they talk as humans bark

the light is overconsumed by the dark

what is said is never understood, you wouldn’t care if you could

intuitive trauma overloads your mind 

no one to love running out of time

tangled fears and twisted hate

defiant elders who give you faith

Travel through mountains of music and valleys of sound

heavy walls of atheistic though come crumbling down

your mind feels like lead as your eyes turn inside down, your feet leak out of your head

you swim into unconsciousness and shift out of existence.


The End 



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