
My new Reality

clouded by obscenity

has left me in obscurity

nothing is acceptable

made to be presentable

left it on the end table

set it free as professed

it does not work I must confess

let it go give it a rest

it appears reality

has led to finality.



Utopia-good place, no place

Utopia- Bright, open, space

Utopia- where at and why?

Utopia-never a cloudy sky

Utopia-a story yet untold

Utopia-never be controlled

Utopia-ever hard to find

Utopia- must be in the mind



To live a life without living, is to not have lived at all

Too see without looking, is to have never seen at all

To hear without listening, is to have never heard at all

To eat without tasting, is not to have eaten at all

To touch without feeling is devastating

To exist without love, is Death

Without, is Not.


The Haze:

Distant Beaconing, from where do you emanate?

you can be felt, weak, yet persistent

what is it you seek?

what do I have that interests you?

What is your message?

A ship on the horizon, you hover

are you a call from a distant lover?

Speak to me, show me so that I may see

what pain or pleasure is in store for me.





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