Observation, penetration, absolution and aggravation Getting ready, looking steady, all the anger is all so petty
it’s all a joke its such a bore don’t want to do it anymore such confusion caused by intrusion was all just an illusion
all the same never change looking back was it a game never lose never win on the outside looking in
feeling lost and unprotected in everything always rejected shattering a fragile mind the legacy of mankind
Gazing into the abyss how the hell did it get like this scented souls of the unseen waking from another dream
unending fear of the unknown day of reckoning they stand alone eternal life myth dispelled all the same all is not well
all the dreams and all the screams all the lies what does it mean out of time in the mind insanity is over the line
losing touch where is the truth caught up in the tragedy of youth such a sin and so much shame humankind has gone insane.